thème natal (1)

Birth chart analysis

The natal chart analysis is a personalized analysis in audio or video format of about one hour that allows you to discover and better understand your potentials and weaknesses. This study is useful to understand the why and how in all areas of life in order to better manage your “personal resources” to significantly improve your chances of success and well-being.



Why a natal chart analysis? Because a human being is a construction, it is not a given. Socrates said “Know thyself”. The purpose of this analysis is to have a better understanding of one’s potentials and weaknesses. It is about “potentials” and not “strengths” because practice has shown me that these are often not used enough and therefore remain as potentials. his is normal because difficulties are often imposed on us, whereas the use of potentials is a matter of choice. The natal chart analysis is done with a constructive and positive approach so that you can take advantage of a better life experience. Lasting 50 to 60 minutes via audio or video, you can agree to interact directly with the expert or let him or her guide you. You can also specify in your request the areas of life in which you are particularly interested. In all cases, your analysis will be delivered to you in mp3 or mp4 format so that you can listen to or review the session at your leisure. Note: this analysis is not “predictive” although it is indicative of the main lines of destiny. If you want forecasts, please select transits or solar revolution. The analysis is in a downloadable video format and will be sent to you via a download link within 3 to 5 days.

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Audio, Video


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