analyse de lune

New or Full Moon analysis

Discover how a Full Moon or New Moon affects you personally. This analysis explains in which of your astrological houses it occurs and therefore in which areas of your life it affects. The purpose of Moon analyses, like those of any astrological transit, is not to tell you how you are going to live through this or that period, but to tell you what to do to get the most interesting results by “surfing” the supportive astral influences. This is how you will build your success.

A short questionnaire will be sent to you before we carry out the analysis so as to make it as personalized and useful as possible. The full moons and new moons really tell you what to do and how to do it in their periods of influence.

20 to 25-minute reading, downloadable video format.



20 to 25-minute reading, downloadable video format.


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